Books, Daily Happenings, Sunday In Pictures, Weekend

Sunday In Pictures Vol. 19

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? It was a good one for me and I’m feeling ready to take on the week! Is your office closed today? Alex’s office in the city is closed for President’s Day so I may have a mid day trip home in store. I haven’t decided yet so we shall see! Before that though, let’s review my Sunday in pictures in typical Monday fashion. Have a great day 🙂


Pancakes and bacon for breakfast because it’s Sunday so start with something yummy.


My reward for laundry and cleaning the bathroom was sitting down to read the spring issue of Magnolia Journal.


Leftover pasta from our Valentine’s Day date for lunch.


Reading my latest book on the couch while Alex studied.


A mid afternoon break for kiwi. These were definitely an impulse buy at the grocery store, at least it’s healthy!


Queso crockpot chicken chili from Pinch of Yum for dinner! I made it on the stove top and it was so good! The only change I made was adding in two small chipotle peppers with adobo since they were in my fridge and I didn’t want them to go bad.


Reading (and falling asleep on the couch 😉 in front of the fire to end the night.

Question of the day: What’s a highlight from your weekend?


33 thoughts on “Sunday In Pictures Vol. 19”

  1. I’ve seen the movie that was based off of that book and the end was so creepy! I think you’ll love it since it’s so suspenseful!


  2. Hey Maureen! I love that you guys have your stockings on the fireplace still! I’m glad I’m not the only one who still has a few Christmas decorations up haha. 🙂 Also, I saw that queso chicken chili recipe last week (the blogger PBFingers mentioned it) so I had put it on my to-make list. Now I’ve really gotta make it after seeing your pic. 😍 Have a great Monday!!


    1. Hi Lauren! Alex told me we should probably take them down considering it’s a week and a half until it’s March lol. I need something to replace them with so I’ll happily take any suggestions you have 🙂
      That’s where I heard of this recipe too! Oh my goodness it is delicious! You should definitely make some girl.

      Thank you! Enjoy your day 🙂


  3. Hey Maureen:) Luke and I also celebrated a belated Valentine’s Day in the weekend. You looked so pretty btw!

    My highlight for this weekend was definetly going to the beach. We haven’t been in forever!


    1. Hey girl! Thank you so much!! I give credit to getting my haircut a few hours before so it was dried there! I can never get my hair to look that good on my own.

      I’m so jealous!! We got snow on Saturday night so definitely not even close to beach weather for me.


  4. I am endlessly jealous of your fireplace!!
    hi-light from my weekend… I did a 10 mile run on saturday, and then went straight to “Galentines” brunch downtown with my friends:) It was so nice to refuel and be social!!


  5. I love the way you ended the night! Sounds so cozy. Also, how did you like the Magnolia Journal? I have been thinking about gifting a subscription to my mom for her b-day!

    I officially want a kiwi after reading this post! Also, I almost spelled kiwi “key wi” LOL. I guess I shouldn’t read blogs past 9:30 PM because my brain shuts down 😉


    1. It was a pretty cozy way to end the night 🙂 I like it! There’s recipes in it, some fashion, home stuff plus just random things too.

      Too funny! I love kiwi so I was excited to see it on sale this past weekend.


  6. looks like a good day. I haven’t bought kiwi in a while. I got Colby eating it for a while and then just stopped buying it. I guess that is a good grocery store splurge. I’m getting ready to take down my Valentine decorations and put up my Easter ones. maybe you could find some kind of Easter decoration for your mantle


    1. I figure a few dollars spent on kiwi is better than a bag of candy. I think that’s what I’m going to do! I’ll probably search Target and Home Goods these next few weeks for some sort of spring or Easter decorations.


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