Books, Dog, Sunday In Pictures

Sunday In Pictures Vol. 32

Hi! How was your weekend? I have to say mine was pretty good. It was gross Saturday but the sun was out on Sunday and the humidity wasn’t that terrible. I have something fun planned at the end of this post so be sure to read it all. Have a great Monday ๐Ÿ™‚


I started off Sunday by reading in bed.

Bailey Pancake

For breakfast, Alex, Tory (Alex’s twin) and I had some pancakes. There was a little batter left so Bailey got a tiny puppy pancake.

Bailey With Her Tongue Out

When we dropped Tory off back at their parents house, we took Bailey to run around for a bit. She was in love with it.

Donation Bag

After we got home, I rounded up two huge bags of things to donate. I had gone through a few drawers and had things to get rid of. There was an even bigger bag full of stuff I had already loaded into my car.

Sandwich, Pretzels, Carrots

For lunch, I made a ham sandwich and munched on carrots, pretzels and hummus.

Bailey With Long Leash

We bought a 30 foot leash for Bailey and headed to the park to test it out.

Trader Joe's Basket

I ran to Trader Joe’s to pick up a few staples and grabbed a few new to me items.

Buffalo Cauliflower and Homemade Fries

For dinner, I made buffalo cauliflower (recipe will be up Wednesday) and homemade fries.


After dinner, I grabbed my Nook to finish the book. 5 star and would definitely recommend it.

Today’s post is going to end a little differently than normal. On Saturday, Maureen Gets Real turned 1! I started this blog on a whim at my old job because I was so bored that I needed something to do. Never would I have thought it would become what it is now. To celebrate, I’m going to do a little giveaway! The winner will win a giftcard to the store of their choice. On Friday, I’ll randomly select a winner and announce it in my post. All you have to do to answer is comment what your favorite post of mine has been. It can be something specific (ex: chocolate covered strawberry cupcakes) or a type of post that you like (weekly obsessions). Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

56 thoughts on “Sunday In Pictures Vol. 32”

  1. congrats on your blogoversary! looks like you had another great weekend. I always find it strange to see people eat the heal of bread. I always toss that piece out and treat it more of the piece that keeps the rest of the loaf fresh than a piece one actually eats.


    1. Thanks! Fun fact I used to always bypass that piece and wouldn’t even eat the outside of sandwich bread. For whatever reason I’ve started eating it and I don’t mind it anymore.


  2. Congrats! As a big reader, I loved your post on where you find book inspiration! I also love the weekly obsession posts!!


  3. Happy blogaversary! How exciting. We used to make buffalo cauliflower all the time, but I have not had it in ages, canโ€™t wait to check out your recipe. I always enjoy the weekly obsessions! I always find cool new things in those posts.


      1. I do too as itโ€™s so sweet and I love that Alex contributed. I like books like that too so I guess itโ€™s no surprise I like that post


      2. Lol that would have been nerve wracking. I quite often wish I could find out what kind of impression I make on guys


  4. Glad to hear that you ended up really liking the book!! I love the mommy/daddy/Bailey pancakes. So cute! I can’t wait for your cauliflower recipe.

    I enjoy all your posts especially the race recap you recently did but I think the Bailey posts take the cake! From one dog lover to another ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy 1st birthday to your blog!


    1. I’m excited to share the recipe! Personally I think it turned out well.

      I could probably share about Bailey all day long. My camera roll is filled with her! I can’t imagine what it will look like when I have a human baby.. Thanks Shannon! I truly appreciate you reading and the support you give to me and the blog!


    1. Thanks! Iโ€™ll definitely have to do some more book posts! I feel like I was in a slump with books until now so I wanted to wait. Plus Iโ€™ve been meaning to write a Bailey update now that sheโ€™s older so youโ€™re in luck ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Thank you! Those were both great posts that I think everyone should read. Iโ€™m glad you enjoyed them!

      The veggie straws were an impulse buy so I have no clue what to expect. If you love them then I have a feeling they were a good purchase ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Happy Blogiversary! It’s always fun to celebrate those milestones. I cant believe I will have been blogging for 5 years this August. I like your Friday obsessions posts! I always love learning about new products that other bloggers like.


  6. Congrats! I really like reading day in the life style posts. They are just relaxing to read for some reason ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. Congratulations on the 1 year blog-iversary! So exciting. I would say my favorite posts are always your day in the life posts and everything that involved the books youโ€™re reading!


  8. Happy Blogiversary! I hope I can keep my blog up for that long, too! I love your weekly obsession posts. I love hearing about new things I should try out.


  9. Congrats! Happy blog anniversary!!! I’m so glad we’ve connected. Not necessarily a type of post– but I really enjoy all your book recommendations!


  10. Congrats on your blog anniversary! My favorite posts are your weekly obsessions – I always love to see what people are obsessing over and it gives me new ideas of products to try ๐Ÿ™‚


  11. Ooh I love the idea of a 30 foot leash! Kona loves to run as far as she can, but it’s harder with a regular (even retractable) leash. That sounds like a great idea!! Also, congrats on your blog turning 1! How exciting that it’s come so far in just one year. I have to say, I love your Sunday in Pictures posts! They are just always a fun extra visual peek into your day. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Okay so prepare yourself for a long comment lol. When we went to Petco to buy a long leash we actually went in with the intention to buy a retractable leash. According to the worker, it’s kind of a waste of money since they weaken over time. Every time Bailey would go too far and pull on the leash once we stop it, then the stopper eventually gets worn down and won’t work the way it’s intended to. The 30 foot leash is the same rope/canvas/fabric material her normal leash is and we can control how long it is manually. Just a little tip I want to pass along from one pup owner to another! I’m so happy I started Sunday in pictures! They are so fun to write for me ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You know, we totally experienced that with the retractable leash!! Kona has a bad tendency to try to chew through it if she happens to get scared or just wants to run, and it started fraying. To top it off, even when we had it locked, I noticed it started stretching and pulling farther anyway, defeating the purpose. Even though it’s harder for me to manually control the length, it does sound like a better choice overall! Thanks for letting me know! ๐Ÿ™‚


      2. Youโ€™re welcome!! Iโ€™m just passing along what we heard. There were also 10 and 20 foot leashes being sold by Petco as well so that could be a better option ๐Ÿ™‚ We just figured you can make a long leash small but you canโ€™t make a short leash long.

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