Daily Happenings, Running

The First Hot Dog Of Summer

Happy Saturday! It’s going to rain all day but I’m not complaining. First I really hope this rain washes away all the tree pollen causing allergies and secondly it’s actually warm rain instead of freezing rain that we have in winter. I hope it’s much sunnier by you today. Have a great day 🙂

Scrambled eggs, toast with cream cheese and chia seeds

Friday started off pretty good for us. Bailey and I went out before getting ready for the day. I made scrambled eggs and paired it with toast topped with cream cheese and chia seeds. Cream cheese and chia seeds may sounds like a weird combo but trust me and try it.


At work, there was randomly hot dogs and burgers that the building manager grilled. Honestly I have no idea why this happened since we have another barbecue in a few weeks but no complaints here. I opted for a hot dog since I saw one that was fairly charred which is the best in my opinion. Alright I know I’m from Chicago so I shouldn’t put ketchup on a hot dog but I did and I added some mustard too. The rest of my lunch consisted of carrots, pretzels and hummus to keep the balance.


Once I got home from work, I quickly changed and headed out for a run. The workout was 4 x 800m at 5k pace with 400m recovery followed by 4 x 100m strides with 1 minutes rest. It was toasty out there but I got it done. A little over 5 miles to kick off the weekend. When I got home, I was rolling and Alex came back from his run too. Somehow he beat me to the shower so Bailey and I hung out before I rinsed off.


The rest of the night was pretty relaxing! I read a little bit of my new book called Ten Thousand Saints by Eleanor Henderson. I’m not positive what I think of it yet but I’ll report back once I’m a little farther int. For dinner, we kept it simple with tortellini and pesto plus some garlic bread on the side. We watched an episode of Billions before taking a family walk to round out the night. After an episode of The Office, I headed off to bed.

Question of the day: What do you put on a hot dog?

12 thoughts on “The First Hot Dog Of Summer”

      1. Lol it’s an acquired taste for sure, and it’s rare for me o have it- usually it’s just ketchup and mustard


      1. I wasn’t a huge fan myself — I couldn’t really get into the story or characters for some reason. But a couple of the girls in my book club liked it!


  1. Another book to add to my list! Yay for the first hotdog of the season! I’m getting my first pedi of the season 🙂


  2. sounds like a good day. hot dogs are one of those things I really liked as a kid, but don’t eat anymore. I still think they smell good when you walk by the carts that steam them outside of stores and places like that. I’m more of a cheeseburger with toasted bun person


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